Devon DiMichele Devon DiMichele

Beauty(full) Holiday Wishlist (2021)

When it comes to making a wishlist for the holidays, I feel like I never know what to ask for. One tip that I’ve learned over the years, though, is to keep track throughout the months of items I see in the store that I would love to open up on Christmas morning. I realized this year, that most of those things are makeup or beauty related. I’m here to give you some beauty products to put on your holiday wishlist!

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Devon DiMichele Devon DiMichele

My Go-to Makeup Products

Whether it be for dance competitions or playing dress up with friends as a little girl, makeup has always been a huge part of my life. Check out this article to find out what products I use everyday to achieve a natural and glowy look!

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Devon DiMichele Devon DiMichele

Skincare Must Haves (2021)

It has taken me so long to find the right skincare routine, being that I have extremely acne prone, oily skin. I wish the trendy, cute face masks were all I needed, but honestly, I may have found some things that are even better. These products are extremely affordable, but leave you feeling like you just got a professional facial.

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Devon DiMichele Devon DiMichele

Skincare Routine Synopsis

Now more than ever is self-care all the craze. Personally, I have indulged in my skincare routine- morning and night- like it is a ritual. Learn more about my favorite handpicked products within my routine!

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