Who are we?

Written by: Devon DiMichele

In 2020, the agonizing, sorrowful year many seem to try and block out, high school student Devon DiMichele began the most daunting year of her high school career: junior year. She looked over her course selection and was fine with it, but not satisfied; there was something missing. She loved fashion and connected with writing- she was eager to learn more, write more, and share more. Alongside this, Devon was eager to create new relationships with students, but she figured she couldn’t successfully achieve this due to online school. As a result of her desires, Somers Style was born.

Somers Style is a student-organized Fashion Journalism club with support from the Fashion and Textile Arts Club at Somers High School. Here, we have dedicated our time and ideas to be shared with the world. Here, we share our creativity through the power of writing. Here, we spread the talent of the youth- the upcoming generation set to run the world. Here, we accept all people and their ability to flourish through pursuing their passions. Here, we talk about how broad fashion, beauty, and lifestyle may be because there is so much more to an outfit or a makeup look than what is seen at first glance. Here, we are one- a community dedicated to giving our readers engaging pieces and to using our voices.

The media is clouded. The world is in an unknown place. Communities are at risk of falling apart. But we still have our voices and our passions; those will never go away. It is with immense pleasure that we share our voices with our readers as we aim to spread passion and creativity within our community.