Fashion with a capital F.


Written by Devon DiMichele

From the guest list and grand venues at which the shows take place, 7 Days Out: CHANEL Haute Couture Fashion Show, explains how couture fashion shows resonate far beyond the fashion industry. Chanel, for example, is known for their extraordinary sets for the show to take place. From glaciers, to Paris bistros, to even rockets appearing to lift off the ground, Chanel never disappoints their audience when it comes to the venue. Not only do they do a dazzling job when it comes to the set, but their haute couture ateliers are where the magic really happens.

Couture is so much more than just expensive clothing. French couture, specifically, is a special type of design because everything from pleats in dresses to apliques woven into tweed is meticulously hand made. Each outfit in a collection for Chanel can take up to 160 hours to complete, starting six weeks before the show. This delicacy takes a certain type of person to carry it correctly. When the models go in for fittings, they try on and walk in many dresses to find which one they’re meant to wear. The dresses are then altered to fit the right model- making couture designs a true dream. Like I said previously, French couture really is a special type of design; the sky is simply not the limit because the limit does not exist.

Considering all the aspects that lead up to the models walking the runway, Chanel has made the statement “there is no “I” in team” as true as it could ever be. Ateliers, set builders, and hair and makeup artists give this show their all, bring the dream Karl Lagerfeld and his team at Chanel had envisioned to life.

In the fashion world, Karl Lagerfeld is a mastermind. Not only has he brought Chanel back to life when he first took over in 1982, but he changed the fashion industry for good as he revived haute couture, making it fashion with a capital F.

Devon DiMichele


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